Access restored to Springer
We would like to inform you that access to Springer for 2013 has been restored.
We would like to inform you that access to Springer for 2013 has been restored.
We would like to inform you that Cambridge University Press has finally agreed to move the opt-out date to 30th... read more
From today there are available to the users of Heal-Link, 150 new Open Access journal titles that are provided by... read more
We would like to inform you that due to scheduled electrical maintenance at Aristotle University on Saturday 26/01/2019, there might... read more
We would like to inform you that Taylor & Francis online will be unavailable for up to 1 hour, on... read more
We would like to inform you that license agreements for access to the electronic sources of HEAL-Link expired on 31/12/2012.... read more
We would like to inform you that access to Elsevier's platforms has been restored (sciencedirect/SCOPUS) for all HEAL-Link members. read more
HEAL-Link's HARDMIN Research Data Repository fulfilled all of the prerequisites to be included in the Re3data Repositories catalog . This is... read more
We would like to inform you that access is restored to 2010 issues of Wiley's journal and to 2009-2010 issues... read more
From today there are available to the users of Heal-Link, 260 new Open Access journal titles that are provided by... read more
We are pleased to inform you that due to the forthcoming license agreement with De Gruyter, HEAL-Link has secured access... read more