HEAL-Link Search

HEAL-Link Search

HEAL-Link informs you that the Federated Search to the Electronic Journals and the Collective Catalog of Greek Academic Libraries started to function. The application is based on Muse software from MuseGlobal that can and performs federated search in a lot of sources of data simultaeously.

HEAL-Link Search is a multifaceted search tool. You can use it in order to make simultaneous research in the subscribed electronic sources of HEAL-Link, in the Collective Catalog of Greek Academic Libraries and in selected web pages, without searching separately in each source.

With HEAL-Link Search:

  • You have access in the complete text of electronic sources that are offered.
  • You can find bibliography for the subject of your interest.
  • You can find the available books, journals and other material of Greek Libraries via the Collective Catalog of Greek Academic Libraries, and also via the individual catalogs of Libraries.
  • You can search search in selected sources from the Internet.

You can navigate to the web site of HEAL-Link Search from here or from the window “HEAL-Link Search” in the left winger part of Heal-Link Portal.

Access is controlled via IP addresses.
