HEAL-Link Search is available
We would like to inform you that the technical problem has been restored and HEAL-Link Search is up and running again.
We would like to inform you that the technical problem has been restored and HEAL-Link Search is up and running again.
The journals Kidney International and Journal of Investigative Dermatology starting 01-01-2006 will be transferred... read more
We would like to inform you that access through an institutional account (Single Sign On – SSO), for Acland's Video... read more
Dear HEAL-Link members, we would like to inform you that a 60-day trial period of access (until 13/12/2023) to the Statista... read more
The lists of the journals and e-books of the lisence agreements that are in effect from 2006 have been updated... read more
We are pleased to announce that HEAL-Link has concluded to an agreement with Brill and has secured access with perpetual... read more
From today we can also access the titles of electronic journals of HEAL-LINK through ZEFYROS. The search is done as follows: ... read more
Your personal, printed-on-demand softcover edition of an eBook, which is included in the collection(s) purchased by HEAL-Link, for just 24.95... read more
We would like to inform you that the process of renewal of contracts with the publishers, that HEAL-Link already had... read more
According to the License Agreements HEAL-Link has signed with publishers for the years 2013-2015, HEAL-Link has the option to opt-out... read more
In May it is expected that Springer will have completed the creation of MARC records of the e-books and in... read more