Federated access privacy statement unified search engine

Name of the service: Unified Search Engine
Description of the service: HEAL-Link Unified Search Engine
Data controller and a contact person: Zisis Simaioforidis
Technical contact: aai [ at ] heal-link.gr
Jurisdiction: HEAL-Link, Greece

Personal data processed:
The following information is fetched from the Identity Provider server of your requesting organisation when login to the service:

Your entitlement and your e-mail used as a username

Purpose of the processing of personal data: User authentication and authorisation.

Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed: Not disclosed outside HEAL-Link.

How to access, rectify and delete the personal data: We are not doing any modifications on Personal data.

Data retention: We are not saving any personal data, we use the scoped affiliation during the duration of the session.

Data Protection Code of Conduct: Your personal data will be protected according to the Code of Conduct for Service Providers, a common standard for the research and higher education sector to protect your privacy.